Friday, September 15, 2017

The Screwtape Letters 2

So the patient has become a Christian, and the older imp, Screwtape, writes to the younger one to try a different method to snatch the patient from their enemy's camp. 

This young Christian will now go to a church. And as he does that he would meet all sorts of people. Uneducated, loud, singing out of tune, poor folks are going to be there in the church. Wormwood must use this opportunity when the patient is still new to enemy's territory to let him think that he has class; to let him get disappointed with the people he meets. 

C S Lewis introduces the idea through the writing that when a person comes to faith, it takes an effort in transitioning. A new reader who enjoys reading a book may need to learn language; couple who love each other so much may need to work hard to learn to live together. It's like that a new swimmer has to work hard to keep herself afloat; or a new cyclist has to paddle hard to maintain balance. But once this stage is over, living in that reality becomes a way of life which is an effortless affair or requires little effort. The couple has adjusted to live together; the reader enjoys reading now having learnt the skill required to enjoy reading. A Christian life is something like that. Acquire humility, for example, and it becomes easy to accept others. Those who are new to the faith must watch out before virtues can become habits!

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